![]() By now, most people in the world have heard about the Law of Attraction. If you haven't, here it is in a nutshell: thoughts attract things. Negative thoughts attract negative thoughts and things, while positive thoughts attract positive thoughts and things. What does the attraction process look like? Picture someone sitting quietly in a chair, visualizing the life she wishes to attract, or focusing on the relationship she desires. Or picture someone writing in their journal a detailed description of the life he feels called to live, with the intention of attracting it into his life. While this might be the bare-bones version of the Law of Attraction, there are subtleties and nuances and help it to work more easily and effortlessly for you. The Law of Attraction is extremely useful in building up your business, attracting healthier relationships, attracting wealth in all its forms, and building a life that is more in harmony with your personal heartsong. It is a wonderful tool for growth and development as well. As my clients implement the Law of Attraction, they usually work with an attraction journal I give them, as well as a specific mindset and focus that I work with them intensely to achieve. However, they will sometimes run into various roadblocks along the way, and those who are experienced with the manifestation process also run into common pitfalls. We're all human, we all forget things, and we all experience the need for reminders once in a while! With this in mind, try this quick check-up with how you're using the Law of Attraction. 1. Where are your eyes? There's an old monastic practice we called "custody of the eyes." We were instructed to be aware of what we were seeing at all times. This was to help prevent envy, jealousy, comparison, etc. The wisdom of this practice was that we had to consciously allow things into our line of visions that were helpful, rather than simply letting our eyes (and mind) wander into any old place. The same is true for you. Do you always put before you those things that are helpful and build you up? Or do you engage in a comparison game, always looking at everyone else to see what they are doing, and feeling terrible, envious or awful about yourself or state of life right now? Make a resolution to a "diet of the eyes," in which you will consciously be aware of what you see, and place only positive and upbuilding things in your visual field. You WILL feel a difference, as it raises your vibration and emotional experience of life! 2. Watch your language! Again, I turn to the monastic wisdom of silence. We were often cautioned on when we spoke: why were we speaking...what were we saying....what was the point of what we were saying, etc. Mindfulness of our words helps us bend our perceived world to a more positive...or negative...direction. What limiting words do you use in your usual vocabulary? Using words like: can't, won't, should/shouldn't, can't help it, these are all phrases that limit us in our abilities. Take control of your life! Choose to do actions, rather than become a victim of circumstances. Even if something is happening that is out of your control, choose your mindset toward what is happening as teaching you something about yourself. Also, allow silence to be a choice for you. If you are tempted to speak negatively about yourself or others, just choose to stay quiet. You're not repressing an emotion; you're actually choosing an energetic vibration. One more thing: watch what you say (and read) on social media. Those words can generate all sorts of negative energy. I often tell people that if you want to get depressed, just read Facebook! 3. Create a vortex. In the attraction process, I often advise people to create a vortex around what they want to attract. In other words, focus your energy, words, actions, and choices around what you are trying to manifest. Simply visualize a swirling vortex around what you want to attract. What are the things that pull toward that vortex? Choose only those things that will encourage that vortex to spin toward what you want to attract. If anything falls outside that vortex's mission, just drop it, no matter how glittery, pretty and shiny it might be. Keep the focus. Keep the energy. I could right more, but this is long enough! Do you have your own "checkpoints" for the Law of Attraction? Leave them in the comments below! Create a beautiful day! I have a questions about this Law of Attraction thing. I was super excited when The Secret came out. Because when you look at it on the surface you can say - wow I can do some things to make some changes in my life. That's great, but if you follow the LoA to it's conclusion then the victims in Aleppo are responsible for being victims of bombings. The Jews are to blame for their own murders during the Holocaust. That's where I slam up against a wall. I don't believe a person in poverty in a third world country has drawn that to themselves. I don't believe victims of crime - whether a rape victim or a murder victim - drew that to themselves because they were so negative that a predator and they were on the same wavelength. So how does the Law of Attraction address those circumstances? Does the LoA mean that we are calling everything negative to us so we're to blame for our own misery without regard to the people perpetrating evil on others? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I really am curious how this is supposed to work. Thanks. 10/4/2016 11:32:33 am
Francesca - I agree with your concerns. Your heart is seeing rightly, and let me be the first to commend you for it! Comments are closed.
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